My red clover, which I planted to fix nitrogen and attract pollinators. |
Look a pollinator! It's working! |
And again! They are just buzzing with cute little honey bees. I love it! I also added white dutch clover to our lawns and hope they attract they same cute little guys. |
My beautiful compost pile. It is full of black gold. So Happy! |
The next exciting addition to our little farm are 2 cute chicks! They were an early graduation present! (Graduation is May 4th. I can't wait) |
Presenting Mia (a Polish) and Astro (Australorp). Polish chickens are known for their crazy puffy heads and Australorps are big beautiful metallic black chickens who are prolific layers |
The babies currently reside in our living room and won't be meeting the established flock for at least 4 weeks. |
The girls keep kicking out the eggs. I've been getting about 3-5 eggs a day. |
And finally a bunch of plant photos...
My attempt at growing strawberries. I just can't give up on them, but I've battled extreme summer heat and slugs. I hope being around more will save these guys. |
Two examples of my favorite sweet smelling pollinator attracting alyssums. They're also great at self seeding. |
My sad frost damaged bell peppers. I guess we'll see how well they recover. |
Isaac's tomato from school between two red basil plants. They're doing well. |
My pink knockout rose is going crazy! (thanks to compost) I can't wait until it starts blooming out. |
Cilantro loves it here! This is a volunteer and I've found it growing in the lawn too. Izz also snacks on this. He's definitely my son. |
This is a hodgepodge of little seedlings. There is a sunflower, alyssums and carrots. Oh, and there's some weeds too. |
Thelonious in the garden. Leave Thelonious Alone-ious! |