30 different edibles growing this year (not counting herbs).
I've provided links to some of the plants. I tried to find reputable sites.
3. Bell Pepper (better bell, green)
5. Blueberries (type 1)
6. Blueberries (type 2)
7. Blueberries (type 3)
I lost the information for the blueberries, but I know I chose them to cross pollinate for a larger yield
just pulled these out because I wasn't happy with them and I wanted more room for a modified 3 Sisters Garden
9. Brussels Sprouts
13. Garlic (late season)
17. Onions (yellow)
18. Pepper (tabasco)
I had no idea how hot this cultivar was when I picked it out. Oh well... 5,000 to 30,000 Scoville Units
growing in the chickens yard
20. Raspberries
yeah once again I have no idea what type
24. Strawberries (ever-bearing )
25. Strawberries (june-bearing, early)
the strawberries are from last years garden, but I have them potted up now
first time growing corn
I'm excited to see if I'll have enough room!!! I plan to use trellising for somethings, but it's all looking pretty tight.
Only time will tell...
Thank You Come Again.
Pack it in! OK. A few things need more room but I've had good luck with cantaloupes winding around the tomatoes, etc.
Awesome! :) I think I'll let some stuff escape on to the lawn.