Thursday, June 23, 2011

Garden Update with Rose Photos

Hello Friends! (and Enemy...)

My tomatoes are huge & red, my peppers are doing great, carrots are thirsty & heat stressed, squash plants are in several stages of death, melons are pathetic, corn is looking good (ears are hand pollinated as silk emerges), garlic + onions seem happy, asparagus is doing it's getting established thing, brussels sprouts have not yet bolted, the lettuce has more than bolted, beans are starting to produce (but not much), and herbs are as vivacious as ever.

In short, just like every year it's gonna be a mixed bag. 

Here are pictures of my two Knock Out roses. The perfect rose for the busy human

the tomatoes (behind the roses) are about a foot to 2 feet taller now

a poem: 

If I had a gun I'd stalk 
Squash Vine Borer Moths, 
which is why I should never have 
a gun.
~R. Davis


  1. Awesome! Very very pretty roses. Come over and plant roses and herbs with me. Oh, and my jalapenos are turning red! Who knew!?

  2. Did you see my poem? (pretty great, aye)

  3. Also, yes I want to do all of that stuff

  4. Best poem about Squash Vine Borer Moths I've ever read.

  5. Finally, the critical recognition I have deserved ever since I wrote that poem today.

  6. Wow! Your garden is way ahead of ours in every way except squash mortality. Our corn is only about two feet tall, beans are still blooming, tomatoes are hard little green thingies and our zucchini bit the dust. I can't even begin to tell you how disappointed I am that we won't have any zucchini to try and disguise as palatable food. My wife, the squash aficionado in our family, is accusing me of importing Squash Vine Borer Moths, but those accusations are baseless. Even though I'm not really a fan of summer squashes, I appreciate the challenge of trying to grow them.

    I agree with Kaytee. Your poem is absolutely the best Squash Vine Borer Moth verse I've ever read -- but stay in vet school.

  7. You are beyond cute. But I'm glad you are feeling fulfilled and appreciated today. And yes, your poem is an inspiration (to gun control people).

    Your roses are gorgeous, your herbs are tasty, and you just totally rock! I am sorry I didn't get to have any of the tomatoes. Izz got the only one red one while I was there. My bad timing. :-p

  8. I enjoyed your garden update. Yes, it usually is a mixed bag. I had to laugh about your lettuce more than bolting. I need to clean out the rest of mine that I didn't get picked. Maybe I could get one more harvest, though. I ate the last of what I had picked for supper this evening.

    Your roses are pretty!

  9. Your roses are gorgeous, your herbs are very useful. I enjoyed your garden update. It is very excellent to get idea how to make green garden in short time.
